2024-25 House League Season Details
The 2024-25 house league program is expected to run from early October 2024 to April 2025. Schedules will be released in September. Please note that our Junior level divisions, U5 through U9 typically fill up quickly so we recommend registering as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
New for the 2024-25 season, players U10+ will compete in the Toronto West Hockey League “TWHL”, a brand-new house league situated in Etobicoke. The TWHL anticipates accommodating a thriving community of over 350 participants, ranging from U10 to U18. Games will be played at Central arena and George Bell arena. You can read more about the TWHL here.
Junior House League Registration Fees
Division & Birth Year | 2024-25 Fees |
U5/2020 | $525 |
U7/2018 &2019 | $625 |
U8/2017 | $625 |
U9/2016 | $625 |
Toronto West Hockey League Registration Fees (registration through HVHA)
Division & Birth Year | 2024-25 Fees |
U10/2015 | $700 |
U11/2014 | $700 |
U12/2013 | $700 |
U13/2012 | $700 |
U14/2011 | $575 |
U15/2010 | $575 |
U16/2009 | $575 |
U17/2008 | $575 |
U18/2007 | $575 |
Registration Requirements
Registration is confirmed once the following conditions of acceptance are are met:
- Payment must be received in full.
- A parent or guardian must complete the Respect in Sport for Parents Certification. This certification is a Hockey Canada requirement. You will only have to complete this certification once and it will carry over automatically from year to year within your player’s profile.
- A copy of the player’s birth certificate if NEW to Humber Valley must be submitted within the registration process.
- Proof of residency is now required to register within the Hockey Canada system. To ensure each participant has been assigned to the correct hockey association, a proof of address is required. This information is considered private and will not be shared. You can upload any government issued ID or 3rd party bill (electric bill for example) containing your full name and address.
- The Rowan’s Law Concussion Awareness resource must be read and the acknowledgement must be completed during the registration process.
- Registrants must reside in the City of Toronto. Non-residents must first speak with the registrar. Please email admin@humbervalleyhockey.com for details.
Same Team or Coach Requests
We accept friend and coach requests within the registration process. We make an effort to ensure that requests are fulfilled however, in order to ensure balanced teams there are times when it may not be possible.
All players must have a Hockey Canada profile in order to register. NEW players/players who have not previously registered with Hockey Canada are required to create a Hockey Canada account when registering.
- For returning players – if you do not see your player profile in the registration system, DO NOT CREATE A NEW PROFILE. Please contact admin@humbervalleyhockey.com for assistance.
- For players 9 and younger interested in CDP, please register for House League and select the “Interested in CDP” option. Please note that players born in 2020 are not eligible for CDP.
Instructions on creating a new account are available in PDF and video tutorial format:
Video Instructions:
- How to Register a NEW Player Video (for players who have never registered for minor hockey)
- How to Register Existing Players (for players who have played minor hockey at HVHA or any other organization)
- How to Register Multiple Players
Ready to register for the hockey season at Humber Valley?
For registration related inquiries please contact admin@humbervalleyhockey.com