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With amendments up to and including April 1997.
Humber Valley Hockey Association is an Ontario Corporation (number 565132) with Letters Patent issued on September 30, 1983.
Article 1: Name
This organization shall be known as the Humber Valley Hockey Association (hereinafter called “The Association”)
Article 2: Objectives
To promote, govern and improve organized hockey and to foster among its members, supporters and players a general community spirit.
Article 3: Aims
To teach fair play and good sportsmanship and to provide hockey for as many players as possible.
Article 4: The business and affairs of the Association shall be conducted in conformance with the Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations of the Association.
Article 5: The Constitution of the Association shall not be amended or altered except at an annual meeting. Notice of such amendment or alteration to the Constitution shall be given to the Secretary in writing not less than 30 days prior to the annual meeting. An amendment or alteration to the Constitution, to be passed, shall require a two-thirds majority of the accredited representatives of the General Membership.
Article 6: Changes in the By-Laws or additions to the By-Laws of the Association may be made by the Governing Body at any time and such changes or additions shall be presented for approval at the next annual meeting.
Article 7: The Governing Body shall have at any time the power to issue special regulations in conformance with the Canadian Amateur Hockey Association (“CAHA”) and the Greater Toronto Hockey League (“GTHL) Rules and Regulations.
Article 8: The General Membership of the Association shall consist of the Governing Body and each parent or other person having control of a child who played on any team sponsored by the Association during the current year. All members of the General Membership will have equal voting power and shall be present to vote (no proxies).

By-law 1:
a. The Governing Body shall consist of all members of the Executive Committee and the Directors. An Executive Committee and Directors shall be elected at the annual meeting for a term of two (2) years.
b. The Executive Committee shall consist of a President, an Executive Vice-President, ten (1 0) Vice-Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Referee-in-Chief and the Immediate Past President.
c. The Directors shall consist of a maximum of 25 officers elected at the annual meeting for a period of two (2) years. All House League convenors must be officers.
d. The vote for each officer shall be taken separately with a simple majority of the General Membership being the deciding factor except when, by simple majority resolution of the General Membership, it shall be decided to vote for officers in one or several groups.
e. Each officer shall have equal voting power at meetings of the Association. Should any vacancy occur in the Governing Body during the term of office, the Executive Committee will have the power to fill the vacancy for the unexpired term of office.

By-law 2:
a. The Executive Committee:  shall have the power to deal with matters of the Association on a day-to-day basis, subject to the approval of the Governing Body; shall act as the Disciplinary Committee; and shall have the power to deal with urgent or emergency situations and report its actions to the Governing Body.
b. The Immediate Past President:  shall act in an advisory capacity with full voting powers and perform other related duties as may be required.
c. The President:  shall preside at all meetings with the usual privileges of office;shall call meetings as deemed necessary or when requested by a majority of the Executive Committee and will only cast a vote in the event of a tie; shall assume direction or delegate supervision of all officials and personnel; and shall act as the signing officer, together with one or more officers, on all contracts or other Association matters.
d. The Executive Vice-President:  shall perform the duties of the President in his or her absence and such duties as the President may decree. He or she shall co-ordinate all activities of the Vice-Presidents and be responsible for the activities of the Vice-President, Selects and the Vice-President, OldTimer Hockey.
e. The Vice-President, Old-Timer Division:  shall be responsible for the operation of the Association’s Old-Timer Division. He may appoint or delegate authority to a Director to assist him with his duties. Appointment of a Director is subject to approval by the General membership and/or Governing Body; shall supervise the scheduling of games and rules of play; and shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the Old-Timer Division and ordering team uniforms as approved by the Governing Body.
f. The Vice-President and General Manager, GTHL Division:  shall be responsible for the operation of the Association’s GTHL Division. He may appoint or delegate authority to a Director(s) to assist him with his duties. Appointment of a Director(s) is subject to approval by the General membership and/or Governing Body; and shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the GTHL Division and ordering team uniforms as approved by the Governing Body.  The Vice President and General Manager, GTHL Division and those Directors appointed by him or her as provided above (the “GTHL Committee”) shall have authority in appointing coaches to GTHL Division teams. All positions on GTHL teams are to be earned by the players themselves and only by the players themselves, in open try-outs. The selection of team members shall be left to the sole and unfettered discretion of team coaches. Positions on these teams cannot be secured through the actions of the parents of the players or others by way of, for example, sponsoring teams, acting as team coaches or managers or by using their positions in the community or in business or within the Association itself (for instance, as a member of the Governing Body) to exert influence on the individuals who make player selection decisions. Any coach appointed by the GTHL Committee shall agree to commit to the Philosophy and Guiding Principles of the Association.
g. The Vice-President, Select Division:  shall be responsible for the operation of the Association’s Select Division. He may appoint or delegate authority to a Director to assist him with his duties. Appointment of a Director is subject to approval by the General Membership and/or Governing Body and shall be responsible for assigning a coach to each Select team;  shall supervise the scheduling of games, referees and rules of play; shall delegate authority to a Director, Atom Select Tournament to organize and host an annual Atom Select Tournament for house league teams located in the Metropolitan Toronto area; and shall be responsible for preparing the budget for the Select Division and ordering team uniforms as approved by the Governing Body.
h. The Vice-President, Junior Division:  shall be responsible primarily for the activities of the Convenors of the House League Divisions of Tyke and Novice; and shall supervise the scheduling of games, practice sessions and rules of play in conjunction with the Convenors.
i. The Vice-President, Intermediate Division:  shall be responsible primarily for the activities of the Convenors of the House League Divisions of Atom and Pee Wee; and shall supervise the scheduling of games, practice sessions and rules of play in conjunction with the Convenors.
j. The Vice-President, Senior Division:  shall be responsible primarily for the activities of the Convenors of the House League Divisions of Bantam, Midget and juvenile; and shall supervise the scheduling of games, practice sessions and rules of play in conjunction with the Convenors.
k. The Vice-President, Administration: shall be responsible primarily for the activities of the Director of Ice and the Director of Equipment and other administrative duties as assigned; shall be responsible for purchasing uniforms, trophies and crests and keeping a record of all trophies; and shall chair a Rules Committee.
l. The Vice-President, Communications:  shall chair a Yearbook Committee and a Communications Committee.
m. The Vice-President, Sponsors:  shall be responsible for the raising of funds for the Association through sponsors or other means as deemed necessary; and shall be responsible for the activities of the Director of Sponsors and shall chair a Sponsorship Committee made up of six (6) delegates from each of the six (6) divisions.
n. The Vice-President, Registration: shall be responsible for the control of personnel of the Association. These responsibilities include the handling and recording of player registration and team and Association officials and fee collection; shall be responsible for all player movement between Rep. and House League teams and shall keep a record of all team rosters and be responsible for the required registration of team and Association officials; shall apply for the City Grant, and shall advertise and organize player registration times and dates.
o. The Treasurer:  shall report to the President; shall keep an accurate record of all moneys received and disbursed; will, in conjunction with the Executive Committee, prepare an Annual Budget for presentation to the Governing Body for approval; will issue interim financial reports as requested and prepare an Annual Financial Report; and will obtain approval for any expenditure that is not included in the Annual Budget.
p. The Secretary:  shall report to the President; shall keep a record of all proceedings of the Association and Executive and Governing Body meetings; shall prepare, in conjunction with the Yearbook Committee, an Annual Yearbook containing pertinent information with regard to the Association, its affiliations and its operations; and shall be responsible for notifying all Executive and Governing Body members of their respective meetings and through the President, all General Membership members of the Annual Meeting.
q. The Referee-in-Chief:  shall report to the President; and shall be in charge of hiring, training and scheduling of staff for all House League and Select games.

By-law 3: Governing Body
a. The Governing Body of the Association shall have full control of finances and budgets required to operate the Association.
b. The Governing Body shall have full powers to issue regulations and directions relating to the operations of the Association.

By-law 4: Meetings
a. Subject to the President’s Discretion, the Executive and/or the Governing Body shall meet as often as necessary to carry out the business of the Association.
b. The Annual Meeting shall be attended by members of the General Member guest who may care to attend. Voting privileges shall be limited to a accredited representatives, parents or other persons having control of a registered player on any team sponsored by the Association during the current year and registered team and association officials.
c. The Annual Meeting shall be held before the last day of April.
d. A quorum of the Executive Committee shall consist of four (4) members.
e. A quorum of the Governing Body shall consist of seven (7) members.
f. The Governing Body shall have the power to replace any member of the Governing Body who is absent from two (2) consecutive meetings of the Governing Body without proper explanation.

By-law 5: Nominations, Amendments and Alterations
a. The President shall appoint an Nominating Committee consisting of a Chairman and two (2) assistants to be responsible for the preparation of nominations for Governing Body officers
b. Nominations for any positions on the Governing Body for which an election is to be held at an Annual Meeting of the Association must be in writing and must be received by the Nominating Committee no later than 15 days before the scheduled date of the Annual Meeting.
c. Amendments or alterations to the By-Laws must be filed in writing with the Secretary at least 30 days prior to the Annual Meeting.
d. An amendment or alteration to the By-Laws requires a two-thirds majority vote of the accredited members of the General membership. Such votes must be presented in person (no proxies).

By-law 6: Annual Meeting Order of Business

  • President’s welcome
  • Credentials
  • Reading of Minutes of last Annual Meeting
  • President’s address
  • Correspondence
  • Directors’ reports
  • Auditor’s report (Treasurer’s report to be audited by Finance Chairman or his designate)
  • Amendments and Notice of Motion
  • General business
  • Election and Installation of Officers (Every two [2] years)
  • Adjournment

By-law 7: Operations
a. The operations of the Association shall be conducted by the Governing Body in accordance with the rules of hockey as set out by the CAHA and the GTHL.
b. The Governing Body of the Association shall have powers to issue regulations to fit special conditions or requirements of the Association, providing these are not at variance with the rules of the CAHA and the GTHL.
c. A copy of all rules and regulations governing Association play shall be issued to each team management prior to the first game of the current season.
d. The Governing Body shall set the amount of sponsorship fees for all teams prior to the Annual Meeting to apply for the following year. Sponsors’ names can appear on the back or front of the team sweater, but the name “Humber Valley” must be retained at all times.
e. The Governing Body shall set the amount of the registration fee for each player along with a special allowance to cover a family plan, together with a final date for payment. The family plan is subject to cancellation if the Governing Body deems it not to be in the best interests of the Association. No player is to be rejected because of financial problems. Such cases should be reported to the President through the Executive Committee members.
f. All equipment purchased by the association and distributed to league officials and players is the property of the Association unless otherwise exempted by the Governing Body.
g. The issuance of jackets to team officials and players of the Association is prohibited unless approved by the Governing Body. Similarly, the design of league jackets, crests and uniforms must be approved by the Governing Body.
h. Player certificates and releases are the property of the Association. Player releases can only be sanctioned by the President and the Secretary of the Association or their designates.
i. Humber Valley teams cannot represent the Association outside of regular league games without prior approval of the Governing Body and the or other bodies with whom the Association is affiliated.
j. No individual in the general membership of the Association can represent the Association for the purposes of soliciting financial support and scheduling ice or games without prior approval of the Governing Body.
k. All team keeper trophies won by an Association team are the property of Humber Valley and are to be surrendered to the Vice-President, Administration by May 1st of each year.
l. All Association trophies awarded for annual competition must be returned to the Vice-President, Administration by September 15th of each year.

By-law 8: General
a. The President shall have the power to appoint to the Governing Body any and all Past Presidents with full voting power.

By-law 9: Philosophy
a. The Philosophy and Guiding Principles of the Humber Valley Hockey Association are hereby enshrined as a fundamental and integral part of the Association’s Constitution and any amendment thereto shall require amendment to this By-law by the General Membership at a Special Meeting of the Association.
b. All positions on competitive teams sponsored by the Association are to be earned by the players themselves and only by the players themselves, in open try-outs. Positions on these teams cannot be secured through the actions of the parents of the players or others by way of, for example, sponsoring teams, acting as team managers or coaches or by using their positions in the community or in business or within the Association itself (for instance, as a member of the Governing Body) to exert influence on the individuals who make player selection decisions.