All kids should have an opportunity to play hockey regardless of financial circumstance.
For families seeking assistance with the cost of registration and/or equipment there are programs available. Families can apply to any or all of the following programs in order to secure financial aid to offset the cost of their child’s hockey.

Humber Valley is pleased to support our community and help provide access to hockey for our club’s members, should the need arise. We encourage families to apply for external programs, as well as Humber Valley’s Financial Assistance. We are now accepting applications for Humber Valley’s Financial Assistance for the 2024-25 season, with applications due July 14th, 2024. Interested in learning more? Please reach out to Devon Friedman

KidSport provides assistance to Toronto children and youth 18 years old and under who are facing financial barriers preventing them from joining organized sport. Individuals may receive grant support up to $250. More Details.

Canadian Tire Jumpstart is a nationally registered charity dedicated to removing financial barriers so kids across Canada have the opportunity to get off the sideline and into the game. More Details.
For questions related to financial assistance please contact